Thursday, October 24, 2013

Prize Announcement!

The wait is over.  And now for the good stuff ... prizes!  Information Security has some really great stuff to give away next week as our National Computer Security Awareness Week celebration really ramps up.  Here's just a partial list of the goodies that you can win*:

 * Must be a an employee or student of KUMC, UKP, RI or other University-affiliated organization to win. 

How can you enter to win?

On Monday, October 28th, we'll be posting an online scavenger hunt and everyone that completes the game successfully will get one entry into the prize raffle.

And, if you want some extra tries at the prizes while learning some cool info at the same time, it's not too late to sign up for any of the four great Lunch n' Learn sessions that are planned for next week.  Attendees will get 2 entries into the raffle pool.  Here's a summary of each session:

Monday, October 28th: Got (Too Many) Passwords?
Description: Passwords, passwords, passwords for your bank site, your personal and work email, Facebook, and on and on. How do you keep track of all of them? Bring your lunch and learn about a FREE and secure way to manage your passwords, including how to make sure they're always available when you need them.
Description: A new computer taken out of the box and connected to the Internet is easily taken over by a hacker within minutes. If you've got a computer, you need to arm yourself with the right tools to fight this constant battle. Bring your lunch and learn about the FREE security tools that are a must-have for any PC owner.
Description: Social media sites like Facebook and Instragram are great for keeping track of friends and sharing your everyday life with those you love. But there's also a dark side to sharing your information on these types of sites. Bring your lunch and find out how companies and criminals use the information and photos that you share on these sites and what YOU can do to protect yourself on social media.
Description: Smartphones, iPads, tablets and other mobile devices are literally changing the way we work and play. But do you know how to protect your shiny new device from hackers? And just what does it mean to store your data "in the cloud"? Bring your lunch and your questions as we discuss security issues related to mobile devices and storing data in the cloud.

You can sign up by clicking on the link above or by clicking on the thumbnail for each session on the bar to the right.

We hope you'll join us in the celebration!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Will you have webinars on the classes. Would have liked to attend today, but not enough notice to plan attendance.

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