Friday, November 1, 2013

Congratulations to our Prize Winners!

The results of this afternoon's prize drawing are in and here are our winners:

  • Beatpill bluetooth speaker system - Ann Salchow, Information Resources
  • iPod Shuffle - Kahlia Ford, Biostatistics
  • $10 Amazon gift certificate - Susan Hudson, Cancer Center
  • FREE Lunch from Courtyard Cafe - Judy Brohammer, School of Medicine
  • FREE Lunch from Courtyard Cafe - Gail Alvarez, Information Resources
The Information Security staff would like to thank everyone that participated in and helped us organize this week's events for National Computer Security Awareness Month. We hope you found it to be both educational and fun!

For those that have asked....we'll be posting all the slides and handouts from the sessions here in the next few days. If you couldn't join us this week, we'll be hosting these same sessions beginning in November.  And Black Friday shopping season is coming up, so we hope you'll join us for our session titled "Safe Shopping Online".

Stay safe!

Take the CyberSecurity Pledge

This year's celebration of National Cyber Security Awareness Month  is coming to a close, and we hope that all of you had fun while learning about the important role each of us plays in securing cyberspace.  

Please consider joining with thousands of other individuals across the country who are asserting their commitment to online safety by making the National Cyber Pledge affirming that you will take security seriously and use safe computing practices both at home and at work.

I pledge to:

  • Take personal responsibility for security and use good security practices.
  • Pause and consider the risk before I connect to the Internet.
  • Lock my computer whenever I leave my work area.
  • Treat my mobile device like the powerful computer it is, and protect it -- both physically as well as by activating security features such as password and anti-lock, anti-virus software, and remote wipe.
  • Use strong passwords, and create a separate one for each account.
  • Never share my password with anyone.
  • Follow my organization's policy and promptly report all security incidents or concerns to my organization's security office or contact.
  • Safeguard sensitive data from any inappropriate disclosure.
  • Not post personal, sensitive, or non-public information on social media.
  • Not participate in any cyber bullying activities.
  • Raise awareness of good security practices among my family, friends, colleagues, and community.
If you do the pledge, please encourage your friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors—everyone you can—to do the same!  If we each pledge to do our part to make our piece of cyber space just a little bit more secure, we can truly make a difference in helping protect our nation's cyber assets.

Join Us For Lunch Today: Mobile Devices and Cloud Security

Our last session is today!  We hope you can join us today from noon to 1 p.m. for:


We have had an overwhelming number of people sign up and have moved to a bigger room so that everyone can attend.
Note that the session has been moved from 1049 School of Nursing to Lied Auditorium.

And don't forget about those great prizes we're giving away!  Attendees will gain 2 more entries into the weekly prize raffle that will happen at 3:30 this afternoon.