The results of this afternoon's prize drawing are in and here are our winners:
- Beatpill bluetooth speaker system - Ann Salchow, Information Resources
- iPod Shuffle - Kahlia Ford, Biostatistics
- $10 Amazon gift certificate - Susan Hudson, Cancer Center
- FREE Lunch from Courtyard Cafe - Judy Brohammer, School of Medicine
- FREE Lunch from Courtyard Cafe - Gail Alvarez, Information Resources
The Information Security staff would like to thank everyone that participated in and helped us organize this week's events for National Computer Security Awareness Month. We hope you found it to be both educational and fun!
For those that have asked....we'll be posting all the slides and handouts from the sessions here in the next few days. If you couldn't join us this week, we'll be hosting these same sessions beginning in November. And Black Friday shopping season is coming up, so we hope you'll join us for our session titled "Safe Shopping Online".
Stay safe!